In the world of Remnant, creatures of darkness, known as the Grimm roam the planet. To aid in their survival, the residents of Remnant trained hunters and huntresses to fight the Grimm. The warriors trained in combat training school, such as Beacon. There, they learn the basics to defeating the Grimm.
Kane laid in his dorm room, still in his combat uniform. Brute's snoring rattled the windows, but he didn't seem to mind. The ninja was thinking to himself, waiting for the correct time. Getting bored of just laying there, he sat up, unsheathed his blade and started running the stone across the sword. The metal chimed as the stone grazed its edge. The sound helped calm Kane's nerves. After about fives minutes, the ninja sheathed his weapon and climbed out of bed. Opening the window, the boy sneaked out and closed the glass pane.
Climbing up to the roof of the school, Kane sat down and looked at the stars, it was a calm night. A crisp breeze complimented the temperature and scenery. The sound of crickets echoed in the meadows. Sighing, he sat down as looked around him. “I used to stay up late and watch the night sky with my brothers and sister.” Giving a slight chuckle, the teen shook his head as he remembered his family. Their memory still fresh in his mind. There is only one other person at the school that knows about his family other than him. He has always made it a point to not talk about them. Even in class where the students told each other about their past, Kane made up most of what he said.
Pulling out his sword again, the boy began to run the stone across it again, letting the calming chime ease his mind.
"Giavannie sweet heart come on leave your sister alone. " the mans voice was stained as he got on to the girls that were verbally fighting over something siblings fight about. "Ok daddy but tell melody to give me my music" the white haired girl laughed "Gigi it's my music get your own. " the man walked over and took the music and put it away "let's go. " things seemed to change as the family made their way to the next room. Now it was just Giavannie the bodies of her family lay around her. "Momma daddy Mel?"
The red head sat up fast and breathed deeply. "K Kane?" The girl got out of bed and made her way to where her brother should have been sleeping. Not finding him the girl looked around for him. "Big brother?" Her voice was like a whisper sneaking though the halls. Once she finally found him she walked up and sat next to him. She was quite as she looked up at the stars.
Taking a slight glance, the boy gave a smile to his teammate. Kane sheathed his weapon and patted Gia on the head. "Did you have another nightmare?" His lightning blue eyes could be easily seen in the night. They had a deep look about them, as if he was trying to hold back tears. Blinking a couple of times, his eyes lost the look and went back to normal. "You know you'll always be my little sister, right?" He said, giving her a soft noogie. The stars clustered the sky and the moon was bright. If he could, Kane would save this moment of the night. It seemed like everything was in perfect harmony. It was moments like this that allowed him to forget that there was evil in the world.
A howl came from the distance. Kane looked in the direction, trying to see what it was. The sounds of the night stopped, as if petrified by fear. Something was out there, something dangerous. The ninja tried to see what it was by using his night vision, but even that gave little information on what was going on. "Go. Go inside," he said, standing up. His hand was on his weapon, ready to draw it in a split second.
The girl looked up at her brother. "It's us against the world. " she giggled and leaned in to her brother. "You miss them too huh" she spoke quietly. Meaning he missed his family like she missed hers. The night was beautiful and she liked that. Though when the howl came she winced a bit but was on her feet in seconds.
"I'm not leaving you" her voice was calm as she pulled the headphones from her pocket. The wires clang to her skin as if they were combined and soon impulsers were on the back of each hand. "Bring it on" the music started to play from her head set and the song was none other than head strong by trapt.
Kane nodded his head. "A day doesn't go by that I don't think about them." He still blamed himself for their death. Would it have been possible for him to even save his family?
The ninja scanned the horizon, looking for any sign of the creature. A tree fell in the distance, scattering the birds. "Let's go!" Kane yelled as he hopped down from the roof. Stabbing his sword into the wall part way down, he slowed his decent enough for him to land without injury. As soon as he touched the ground, the boy took off in a sprint towards the fallen tree, keeping his weapon at his side. His eyes were focused on the target.
Right before he reaches the tree, he looks up, wide-eyed then jumps backwards. Doing a back hand spring, he slides on his feet and one hand on the ground. An entire tree was thrown to the ground right where he was previously. "Gia! Are you ok?" He called out. A boulder was thrown as him. Jumping out of the way again, he looked for whatever it was that was throwing the objects. There were too many trees, too many obstacles for it to hide behind.