In the world of Remnant, creatures of darkness, known as the Grimm roam the planet. To aid in their survival, the residents of Remnant trained hunters and huntresses to fight the Grimm. The warriors trained in combat training school, such as Beacon. There, they learn the basics to defeating the Grimm.
While this site promotes the use of creativity and imagination, it still has some rules that must be followed.
God-modding/God-moding: You cannot take control of or kill another person's character without their permission. This is will not only create confusion, but will also make other players not want to post.
PG-13: Since this site is based off of adventure fighting monsters and other enemies will happen, there might be gore, but we do ask that we don't make it too graphic. At the same time, anything that should happen "behind doors" we ask that all players follow the fade-to-black policy.
Respect: This is a really important rule that we ask all players follow. Be courteous to all players.
We follow a four strike policy: 1st warning will be an admin notifying you of incident, second strike will be a temporary ban (time of ban depends on severity of punishment), 3rd strike will be the character of issue being banned. If the problem still consists, the player will be permanently banned from the site.
Check back often, while the staff will usually put up a notification of change, we still request that all players check the rules.